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Did you know...

Web visitors are forming an opinion
about you in 0.05 seconds.

And 48% say the #1 way they determine your credibility
is by what that see on your website.

Is your website establishing or undermining your reputation?

Everything. Everywhere. All at once.

Sound like someone you know? Hmm?


When you're the CEO of All The Things, you don't have time to take one more course to figure out how to make your website better.


And yet...


You cringe when you look at your website.


Your bookings are quieter than you'd like.


And it's been a while since anyone left you a Google review.


You know your website needs help.


But you can't afford to hire someone to do it for you—yet.​


What do you do?



Free & live 15-minute lead-generating tutorials
you can implement in minutes—even if
you're your own website person.

You'll use proven strategies that A-list conversion copywriters use to boost bookings:

Brief—only 15 minutes so you can get on with your day

Simple—so you save your brain cells for other stuff

Doable—you can implement them on your website in minutes

All tutorials are followed by a Q&A so you can ask me your sizzlin' Qs!


Just start where you are, with what you have, and take a little bit of action each week.


And, before you know it—So. Much. Better.



Sample a Conversion Express tutorial.

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Sandra is the teacher I wish I'd had in school! I would have excelled in math class if I did!


- Shadi Yazdan, AI-Powered Growth Architect

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I get tons out of every live session I listen to. 

Maribeth Decker, Business Owner

Register for the dates and topics you want.
And get the replays.


I can't believe how much you helped improve my website in such a short time. Your insights were spot on!

Carrie McWherter, Business Owner

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